US version of bimstore bimbible now live!

  • Logo: US version of bimstore bimbible now live!

v1 bimstore bimbible available to download on now

We are really excited to tell you that today the US version of our bimstore bimbible has been released and is available to download now on!

Here at bimstore we hold the belief that every single piece of content produced should be created to the same high standards, which is why a couple of years back we created the bimstore bimbible. This was a groundbreaking document, as at the time the first version was released in the UK, bimstore was the only content creator and distributor to openly publish standards for BIM content. Our bimbible is an ever-evolving document which changes as the industry develops and we’re now currently at v13 in the UK.

The US bimstore bimbible v1 is a 50 page document which defines the guidelines that we follow when creating models for our manufacturers BIM objects. The bimbible gives our content creators all the information they need in order to meet current standards and ensures that all BIM components are created to the highest possible quality. The bimbible combines COBie, IFC, and the National BIM Standards with industry specific standards for Architecture, Engineering, and Construction, to create a unified approach to component creation, publishing, and distribution. “We are trying to "solve" as many issues as possible while staying lightweight.” states partner Adam Thomas of Read|Thomas.

“The bimbible is not to represent a conclusive guideline, instead, it serves as guidelines to create beautiful and useful manufacturers content that represents equal opportunities across all disciplines while starting a one of kind conversation around BIM components guidelines in the US.” continues Adam “It is a working document that will grow with the industry and strives to push manufacturers and the industry forward."

"Our goal is to create components that compliment each disciplines workflow without upsetting it. I believe these guidelines do that beautifully."

Version 1 of the US bimstore bimbible is available to download freely on our website any time. We’d love you to check it out and if you have any feedback or questions for us, just drop us a line!

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